Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spring Branch, Texas 9/11

We rode form Gilmer to Spring Branch on roads that kept us from having to drive through Austin.

The GPS and Larry had us riding on one road that was a single lane....but it was paved!

We arrived at Harvey & Judy Paris' home around 2 p.m. - lovely riding weather. Harvey turned 81 on the 11th.

We stayed with Harvey & Judy until Sunday morning.

On Friday Judy drove us to the Alamo - our first visit. Fortunately the weather was mild.

On Saturday there was a gathering of family to celebrate Harvey's birthday. We had a great time.

All during our visit there was the threat of bad weather because of hurricane Ike. Well, Spring Branch was dry and clear, not a drop of rain!

When we left on Sunday it was around 75 degrees and sunny. As we rode west we had cloudy skies and a little bit of rain (none of which had anything to do with the hurricane). A very fast ride. Love the speed limits on roads in Texas!

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