Friday, September 19, 2008

Sept 18 Needles, CA

What can on say about Needles? Hot, can't imagine why anyone would choose to live here.

We rode from NM to Needles with mostly great riding weather. That is except for the 5 minute heavy down pour west of Flagstaff, AZ.

Only funny thing on the ride was 40 miles east of the AZ line. I passed a white semi truck and trailer. Made a clean pass and changed back into the slow lane. I kind of noticed the driver had his face plastered to the driver's side window, so I just waved as I passed. Not 2 minutes later this truck was plastered to my rear end. Scared the crap out of me! I thought - wow, did I screw up and ticked this guy off? Did I slow down? So I sped up....he sped up. I slowed down....he changed lanes and stayed right next to me. Finally I shrugged provided a Gaelic shrugg - like what do want? He slowed down and backed off (also Mike pulled up behind me to block this guy).

Well, from then on the driver stayed back at a safe distance. We pulled off at the Hwy 95 junction in AZ because that is the last cheap gas before Needles. The truck also made the change (by this time I'm feeling stalked or maybe in an episode of the Twilight Zone). I noticed the truck had stopped and parked on the side of Hwy 95 and did not gas up.

I forgot about him as we began filling up. Suddenly this guy about as tall as I talks up and says, "I was the one following you." I said - you scared me! Then he proceeds to tell me he has a Silver Goldwing Trike and he was really interested in the trailer and the trailer hitch!

Whew! Mystery solved. I gave him the information he needed.

So if you see a silver Goldwing trike in the Chicago area - wave. He is a nice guy. A little too focused, but a nice guy!

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